Thursday, December 15, 2022

Rishi Rajpopat Wiki, Bio, Thesis, Age, Instagram ID, Twitter, Cambridge Paper

By Kulind Krishna

27-year-old scholar Rishi Rajpopat came into lights when he solved a Grammatical problem that was not cracked by Sanskrit Scholars Since 5th Century BC. Yes, Indian PhD Student Rishi Rajpopat has solved 2,500 year old Sanskrit puzzle. Here's Rishi Rajpopat Wiki, Biography, Age, Instagram ID, Linkedin ID, Cambridge, Paper, Thesis and everything you wants to know.

rishi rajpopat

Rishi Rajpopat solved the 2,500-year-old Sanskrit puzzle by decoding a rule taught by Panini, known as the father of linguistics. Yes, A Grammatical problem that has defeated Sanskrit scholars since the 5th Century BC has finally been solved by an Indian PhD student at the University of Cambridge, it emerged as his thesis was published on Thursday.

Rishi Rajpopat made the breakthrough by decoding a rule taught by Panini, known as the father of linguistics, and is now encapsulated in his thesis entitled ‘In Panini, We Trust: Discovering the Algorithm for Rule Conflict Resolution in the Astadhyayi’.

According to the university, leading Sanskrit experts have described Rajpopat’s discovery as “revolutionary” and it could now mean that Panini’s grammar can also be taught to computers for the first time.

“I had a eureka moment in Cambridge,” recalls Rajpopat.

“After nine months of trying to crack this problem, I was almost ready to quit, I was getting nowhere. So, I closed the books for a month and just enjoyed the summer, swimming, cycling, cooking, praying and meditating. Then, begrudgingly I went back to work, and, within minutes, as I turned the pages, these patterns started emerging, and it all started to make sense. There was a lot more work to do but I’d found the biggest part of the puzzle,” said the 27-year-old scholar.

Over the next few weeks, he was so excited that he couldn’t sleep and would spend hours in the library, including in the middle of the night, to check what he’d found and solve related problems. It would take another two and half years before he would get to the finish line.

“Panini had an extraordinary mind and he built a machine unrivalled in human history. He didn’t expect us to add new ideas to his rules. The more we fiddle with Panini's grammar, the more it eludes us,” says Rajpopat.

The 2,500-year-old algorithm decoded by him makes it possible, for the first time, to accurately use Panini’s so-called “language machine”.

Rishi Rajpopat Hindi | Everything About Thesis Paper

2500-Year-Old Sanskrit Puzzle Solved: संस्कृत व्याकरण संबंधी दुनिया की सबसे अबूझ पहले ढाई हजार साल बाद आखिरकार सुलझ ही गई। ब्रिटेन के कैंब्रिज विश्वविद्यालय से पीएचडी कर रहे एक भारतीय छात्र ने इस पहेली को हल कर लिया है। इस पहेली ने पांचवीं शताब्दी ईसा पूर्व से विद्वानों को चकित कर रखा था। 

किस समस्या को ऋषि ने किया हल?

जानकारी के मुताबिक, पाणिनि के संस्कृत व्याकरण 'अष्टाध्यायी' में नए शब्दों को बनाने के लिए काफी परस्पर विरोधी नियम हैं जिन्होंने हमेशा विद्वानों को भ्रम में डाला है।
पाणिनि ने जो 'मेटारूल' सिखाया है वो अक्सर व्याकरण की दृष्टि से गलत परिणाम देता है।
ऋषि ने इसी 'मेटारूल' की व्याख्या को खारिज कर दिया है और दूसरा तर्क दिया है।
ऋषि ने कहा कि इस काम में काफी समय लगा और एक बार तो वे ऊब भी गए थे।

उम्मीद छोड़ चुका था...

उन्होंने मीडिया को बताया कि कैम्ब्रिज में मेरे पास वह एक अद्भुद क्षण था। नौ महीने तक इस समस्या को हल करने की कोशिश के बाद, मैं छोड़ने के लिए लगभग तैयार था, मुझे कहीं समाधान नहीं मिल रहा था। इसलिए मैंने एक महीने के लिए किताबें बंद कर दीं और बस गर्मियों का आनंद लिया, तैराकी, साइकिल चलाना, खाना बनाना , प्रार्थना और ध्यान। फिर, बे-मन से मैं काम पर वापस लौटा, और, मिनटों के भीतर, जैसे ही मैंने पन्ने पलटे, ये पैटर्न उभरने लगे, और यह सब समझ में आने लगा। समस्या को हल करने में उन्हें और दो साल लग गए।

Name - Rishi Atul Rajpopat
Birth Date / Year - 1995
Age - 27 years
City - Not Known
Country - India
Thesis Link -
College - St. John’s College Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge
Rishi Rajpopat Twitter- @RishiRajpopat
Instagram ID - Not Available
Father Name - Not Known
Mother Name - Not Known
Brother / Sister Name - Not Known

rishi rajpopat wikipedia
rishi rajpopat sanskrit
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rishi rajpopat cambridge
rishi rajpopat paper
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