Saturday, December 10, 2022

Who is Mahan Sadrat? Netizens Supports 20 year old, a young protester

By Kulind Krishna

Iran Imminent Execution: Execution of 20-year-old #MahanSadrat is imminent. Charged with "waging war against god" he has been sentenced to death by a revolutionary court in Tehran! Now Netizens came in support of this innocent boy and created a Viral Trend in Support of Mahan Sadrat.

Mahan Sadrat

Here is How Twitterati Supports 20 years old Protester Mahan Sadrat. Let's Support him by raising voice on social media.


The possibility of execution of the 20 yo protester #MahanSadrat is very high.  Mahan is innocent and the IR wants to suppress protests by executing him. News has been reported from the prison that Mahan is set to be executed any minute. please Let the world know.


#MahanSadrat was charged with Muharebe in Islamic Republic’s system of injustice. He has denied the charges but is convicted without any evidence, without the right to appoint his attorney. His case has gone to execution. He may be executed any minute. #SayTheirNames

Mohamad Amin @chaleshpoor

🆘#MahanSadrat is a young protester who is sentenced to death and there is a possibility of his execution at any moment. Help us to save him!

hasti @Lmohamad88

#MahanSadrat is a young protester who is sentenced to death and there is a possibility of his execution at any moment. Help us to save him!

ftme @ftmearmy

The possibility of execution of the 20 yo protester #MahanSadrat is very high.  Mahan is innocent and the IR wants to suppress protests by executing him. News has been reported from the prison that Mahan is set to be executed any minute. please Let the world know.


#MahanSadrat is protester who damaged a motorcycle that the owner forgave him and took back the complaint,but the regime wants to execute him this week.He doesn’t kill anyone.The Mullah regime needs to execute more to make fear in Iran.

crazy Sara @Sarandherdreams

Hey @UNHumanRights

On the international day of human rights, IR forces are going to execute #MahanSadrat who was arrested for fighting for freedom.

His life is in immediate danger.

Do you hear us? Do you care?

This is against the human rights and must be stopped right now.

Ghoncheh @GhonchehAzad
#MahanSadrat, un manifestante iraní de 23 años, fue acusado de Moharebe, “hacer una guerra contra Dios”, y su sentencia de ejecución fue aprobada por la Corte Suprema de la República Islámica hoy, le dijeron su tío y su padre a @SharghDaily
. La sentencia aún no ha sido ejecutada.

Lana @Anita_Hugging
#MahanSadrat, 20yrs old detainee of #IranRevolution2022 has been transferred to RajaeiShahr prison to carry out the execution sentence. We demand the International community and human rights organizations be his voice before it is too late! 

So, lots of people came in support of 20 years old innocent boy Mahan Sadrat. Netizens raises voice against the law and gave this boy a love. Your 1 Tweet can Save his life do the same and save him.


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